Corner Brook UA-4944458-2

Translation Services in Corner Brook – Economic Profile

The city of Corner Brook with a population of about 20,000 people is located on the Bay of Islands at the mouth of the Humber River on the island of Newfoundland in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The city is strategically situated close to airports and the Trans Canada Highway and is a retail and service hub for the West Coast of the island.

The city’s economy is heavily based on the pulp and paper industry. Kruger Inc., a leading paper producer, operates Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited. This newsprint is one of the city’s major employers. In addition, the city features diverse economic sectors such as health services, education, retail and distribution. More recently, Corner Brooks has become a growing center for film production in Eastern Canada and is home to the Atlantic Studios Cooperative.

Tourism is a major contributor to the economy in Corner Brook. It offers numerous attractions, restaurants, outdoor activities, a vibrant cultural scene and scenic beauty which have been drawing tourists from around the world. Many cruise liners have included the Port of Corner Brook to their itineraries. Arts, theater and music are alive in Corner Brook and many ballet companies, comedians, theatrical productions and musical artists stop in Corner Brook on their tours.

Corner Brook is a famous venue for national and international events, conventions, trade shows and family entertainment. The “Host City”, as it is often called, has been hosting major sports events such as the 1999 Canada Winter Games, the Annual TRI-FEST and Triathlon Worldcup, and the 2004 Adventure Racing World Games.

Several renowned institutions of post-secondary education make Corner Brook a bustling college town. The city is home to College of the North Atlantic, Sir Wilfred Grenfell College and Academy Canada, the largest independent career college in Eastern Canada.

A diverse and strong economy, major cultural and sports events, growing numbers of international visitors and the presence of prestigious institutions of higher education have created a significant demand for translation and interpreting services in the city of Corner Brook.