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By: Carsten C. Skarke, MD

  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Research Expertise: Human Clock Biology and Human Phenomics


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Osteoclastomas (giant cell tumors) are benign for long periods but may invade local tissue and cause destruc tion. Mortality and morbidity statistics Plants that cause hepatotoxicity Hepatitis C is marked by inflammation of the liver due to a virus in the blood, usually from the use of blood-to-blood contact, shared There are three types of hepatotoxicity: cholestatic,hepatocellular, needles, or mother-to-offspring transmittal. Effect of unsupervised home based proprioceptive training on recurrences of ankle sprain: randomised controlled trial. The most common cancers of tissue followed by back, hip, sacral, pelvic, or pelvic girdle the female genital tract are uterine endometrial cancer, pain within the next 6 months is a major red fag. Approximately 25% of the patients had a good response (platelet count >100 109/L) while 21% had a fair response (platelet count 50-100 109/L). This tive pain management, as summarized in Table education may be provided in a variety of formats, including orientation and continuing education programs; rounds, 47. S Diagnostic methods Skin tests Prick test: undiluted (2mg/ml) Intradermal skin tests: 1/10 dilution (0. Combined age-specific lung cancer death rates and total chromium 3 exposure (in µg/m) Age Concentration Deaths Person-years Background Exposure 3 b (µg/m) rate range 4 50 5. Data not treatment and physical activity suggest concentration; control groups and less pain iontophoresis with if differed only at 6 during normal steroid may be dexamethaso month. Therefore, there is no absolute contraindication to the use of albendazole in breastfeeding mothers. Therefore, it could be a more reliable test to detect latent infection both in vaccinated populations and in immunodepressed patients. Clinical manifestation the onset is insidious It may overlap with those of chronic bronchitis Dyspnea early on exertion later at rest Hyper-inflated lung due to air trapping causes barrel chest (Increased anteroposterior chest diameter) 121 Pathophysiology Review Questions 1. The Pediatric Clinical Workgroup and the Task Force recognized the immense difficulty and potential trauma to pediatric patients, their families, and health care staff if a patient no longer qualifies for continued use of the ventilator based upon the time trial assessment. Thus, the value generally attributed to a child’s innocence and future promise must be acknowledged in any emergency planning protocol. Honeycombing may also be extremely difficult to differentiate from primary sclerosing seen, making it difficult to distinguish from nonspecific cholangitis. Complete the primary and secondary survey and then begin wound treatment (see pages 34–37 in the Annex: Primary Trauma Care Manual). Indications – Multiple metatarsals fractured if displaced; shaft fracture near metatarsal head. Previamente a la fijacion de los objetivos de igualdad que en su caso deban alcanzarse, las empresas realizaran un diagnostico de situacion a traves de la obtencion de datos desagregados por sexos en relacion con las condiciones de trabajo y con especial referencia a materias tales como el acceso al empleo, la formacion, clasificacion profesional, las condiciones retributivas y de ordenacion de la jornada laboral, y de conciliacion de la vida personal, familiar y laboral. Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde known as Lyral: quantitative aspects and risk assessment of an important fragrance allergen. The cycle can then be repeated with a twice daily dose so that by the 14th week patients are taking 20 mg twice a day. Thus, all patients are subject to the same clinical ventilator allocation protocol and age would not be a primary triage criterion when the pool of patients eligible for ventilator treatment only consisted of children, including neonates. Defning It is impossible to discuss the broad range of psychophysi the problem, offering reassurance, and outlining a plan of ologic disorders that comprise a large portion of the physical action with expected outcomes can reduce painful symptoms therapy caseload in a screening text of this kind. The highest 30-day Research indicates that nearly one in five Medicare patients readmission rates were for kidney are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days, about 90 transplant (29. Dermatitis usually occurs on exposed body sites due to contact with fberglass dusts produced by grinding, sawing, and fnishing. Cohort study (synonyms: follow-up, inci dence, longitudinal study): An observational study where a defned group of people (the cohort) is monitored in time and where the results or outcome are compared between the subgroups of the cohort that were or were not exposed (or exposed to different levels) to an intervention or another factor of interest. If a satisfactory reduction cannot be obtained, other options include: Overhead traction using an olecranon pin A removable splint with early motion Open surgical stabilization. Factors influencing wound repair Some factors infuence the process of wound healing. If the specimen cup is stored in the refrigerator, serial small sputum specimens can be collected to maximize yield. MedicAlert tags and more appropriately described in this parameter as a temporary bracelets represent a useful way of alerting health care pro induction of drug tolerance. A 300 mg dose was associated with a lower rate of adverse reactions, but there was a trend towards acquired resistance at the lower dose. For that reason for holding skin and subcutaneous tissues surgical forceps is mostly used, but vessels, parenchymal and luminal organs. Although liquid chromography-tandem mass spectrometry seems most precise and sensitive for measuring the relatively low testosterone levels in women compared to men, most available studies on the incidence of androgen deficiency and the efficacy of androgen replacement therapy have applied less reliable assays such as direct radioimmunoassays (Stanczyk, 2006; Janse, et al. Endocrine-mediated bone loss can 68-year-old man, J Musculoskel Med 17(11):699–700, November produce osteoporosis because numerous endocrine hor 2000. Tablets: Each 140 mg tablet is a yellow green to green round tablet debossed with “ibr” on one side and “140” on the other side.

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For example, diarrhea refractory to treatment may 18 the informed patient often be due to zinc deficiency; zinc is lost to a great extent with the stool. Transplantation 2013;96:649– Matsunaga A, Fukazawa A, Miyakawa S, Khono M, Kawaguchi 656. The can cause allergic reactions in individuals previously typical dermatitis due to garlic manipulation is sensitized or it can sensitize individuals to pulpitis in the fingers with erythema, scaling, 37 primulaceae. Continuous/running sutures Less time-consuming than interrupted sutures; fewer knots are tied and less suture is used Less precision in approximating edges of the wound Poorer cosmetic result than other options Inclusion cysts and epithelialization of the suture track are potential complications Figure 4. Fifteen years earlier the patient had had a cadaveric renal transplant for renal failure due to chronic glomerulonephritis caused by immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy. Those probably bene cial in the treatment of neonatal sepsis (Ia), but not studies were of relatively small sample size and used different in prophylaxis of infection. Factors: there was no significant association between fatigue or depression and disease severity measuring by Child Pugh score. The core organs of the located in the epigastric/ right hypogatric region of the abdominal cavity are represented in the middle section of the tongue, about midway between the base or root of the tongue and its tip. This hydrosoluble pyrimidic nucleoside-resembling cytidin inhibits desoxycytidin synthesis by a competitive mechanism. Several comparative case series were pub Sigmoid colectomy lished showing that primary anastomosis is feasible in many patients. Exacerbation of psoriatic skin lesion in a patient with psoriatic arthritis receiving adalimumab. When doubt arises, one should one area or in the presence of a past medical history of cancer, contact the physician and communicate any concerns, obser are an indication of the need for medical referral. Swimming, very strenuous sports or work that causes perspiration may shorten wearing time. Continuing Care the National Headache Foundation provides a list of clinics in the United States and the names of physicians who are members of the American Association for the Study of Headaches. Restoring Fluid Balance •Encourage the patient to consume foods and uids that assist in restoring and maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance. Ongoing research / clinical trials Research on the physiopathology of tau proteins, likely involved in the process Available services the Association for Frontotemporal Dementias. Having recognised these special needs there are a range of common problems that dementia presents which caregivers should be alert for. Lymphocytes play a major role in both cellular and humoral immunity, and thus several different functional and morphologic types must be recognized, i. Navigation is achieved by the inclusion of a cross reference instruction at both three-character category headings of the principal and extended category. In office practice it is important that the patient experience relief as soon as possible. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis associated b2-microglobulin in patients with dialysis-related amyloidosis in with amyloidosis: efficacy of plasma exchange. Such an evaluation in cludes assessing the presence of comorbid disorders, degree and type of functional impairment, needs and goals, intrapsychic conflicts and defenses, developmental progress and arrests, adap tive and maladaptive coping styles, psychosocial stressors, and strengths in the face of stressors (see Part B, Section V. Friedrich-Wilhelm Mohr (1951) using the Da Vinci surgical robot performed the first robotically assisted cardiac bypass in the Leipzig Heart Centre (Germany). Melwani, Rafael Garcia Rodriguez, Raul Quiros Lopez, Renata Linertova, Ricardo Rodriguez Barrientos, Silvia Garcia Diaz, Tasmania M del Pino Sedeno. This study was replaced with an alternative determine a pathologic complete response, complicating the selection trial with bevacizumab, but results from an initial 165 patients indicate 185-193,340 of appropriate patients for a nonoperative approach. Second, charting a client’s risk can help in the early iden Clients over 50 with comorbidities, such as heart disease, tifcation of problems. Studies were excluded if significant issues with the applicability of the data were identified from the critical appraisal. Wash your hands with a vigorous mechanical action on all surfaces of the hands to remove visible soiling and contaminants. Mobilization of specialists: gastroenterology, general surgery, and interventional intragastric Q1-2hours (dose dependent on gastric pH) radiology (depending on underlying cause of bleeding and available resources). Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy following cytoreductive surgery improves outcome in 499. Although pyrazinamide can be reintroduced in some milder cases of hepatotoxicity (144), the bene t of a Clinical monitoring. Similar to these observations, patients with the same molecular defect display joint dislocations but no severe skeletal involvement (6). Although opportunistic infection has traditionally been viewed as the tory afer French soldiers died from yellow fever in Cuba and the Gulf Coast; exploitation of a weakened host through physiologic stress or immunocom and the introduction of smallpox to the nonimmune population of the New promise (or both) by relatively “avirulent” pathogens, this is an oversimplif World by Europeans, thus facilitating the “conquest” and the dawn of the cation. Required Elements, Measurable Outcomes: Considerations National Alliance for Physician Competence. En el caso de aquellos trabajadores que de ordinario trabajen dichas festividades, si alguna festividad coincidiera con el disfrute de las vacaciones o dia libre del productor, tendran derecho a disfrutarlas en otro periodo. Cantabria, Se retribuiran con un incremento del 175% sobre el valor de la hora ordinaria, un maximo de 80 anuales.

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Las horas irregulares se comunicaran al/a trabajador/a con quince dias de antelacion, y se compensaran, como maximo, dentro de las cuatro semanas siguientes a su realizacion. Patients whose haemorrhoids prolapse (and either return spontaneously or can be replaced) and patients in whom the above regimen has failed to give adequate relief can be treated by manual dilatation of the anus (see anal fissure). Diagnostic performance of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide and rheumatoid factor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Antimicrob Chemother 55(1):10–21, occupationally exposed to organic aerosols: a meta analysis 2005. There is no need for negative electrode, because circuit is circulating between the two parts of forceps. Also, the results obtained are different in terms of qualitative versus quantitative data and in terms of the immunoglobulin isotype that is recognized by the anti-human immunoglobulin reagent. Preventive efect of an oral prostacyclin analog, not responsive to medical treatment. In the case of a “miracu lous cure” from disc herniation, be sure to ask about the onset If a client does not get better with physical therapy interven of any new symptoms, especially changes in bowel and tion, do not immediately doubt yourself. They do not go away when the under side, but with a portion crossing the midline to the left side. La fijacion de los horarios de trabajo es facultad de la empresa, que lo establecera con la informacion del Comite de empresa o representantes del personal. Once the client is in Chemotherapy used with a variety of different types of the upright position, relief from the attack may not occur for cancer (including childhood cancers) has also been linked 30 minutes or longer. At the beginning of with higher moisture: the intertriginous areas (the axilla, the study and at the end of every week, skin pH and den inguinal and submammary folds and nger webs) have a sity of the bacterial ora were determined [29]. Risk factor assessment is Or, if after ending the interview by asking, “Are there any an important part of disease prevention. In this way, even after pulling of the thread through the tissue there will not appear any dispropotionality between the stitch channel and the thread. Avoiding exposure of the patient to excess light during the procedure is recommended. Diagnosis Predominantly visual hallucinations Disorientation Agitation Tachycardia Hypertension A low-grade fever may be present Withdrawal tonic-clonic seizures may occur between24 and 48 hours following cessation of alcohol intake Note: It is important to consider alternative causes, when making the diagnosis. Although this study confirmed feasibility of performing these pro cedures in tandem, there was no reported objective benefit for the underlying disease processes. They must also cross the basement membrane and migrate through the connective tissue. For patients who are > 150% ideal body weight, the weight used should be capped at 150% of ideal body weight. The combined use of topical corticosteroids and emollients is the mainstay of first-line therapy for contact dermatitis. Two main hypotheses: stimulation of T cells by the drug leading to reactivation of herpes virus harbored in T cells. Your doctor will prescribe Galvus either alone or together with certain other antidiabetic medicines which you will already be taking, if these have not proved sufficiently effective to control diabetes. Around 16 % of eczema patients in the European population are sensitised to fragrance ingredients. Whatever its classi cation, current surgery involves many more ambulatory procedures than ever before and administra tive processes that are new to nursing and other health care staff. Likewise, the therapist Somatic symptoms are diagnostic for several anxiety dis will want to become familiar with nonorganic signs indicative orders, including panic disorder, agoraphobia (fear of open 118-120 of psychologic factors. Other related viruses include Newcastle disease virus, measles virus and the parainfluenza viruses. Ledlie J, Renfro M: Balloon kyphoplasty: one-year outcomes in foundations of mind-body medicine. Where possible, redeployment decisions are made in consultation with occupational health and safety and infection prevention and control health care professionals. Vomiting and diarrhoea, which are often present in acute adrenal insufficiency, worsen the fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Recurrence can occur at the estimate an individual’s risk of cancer and offers cancer pre original location of the frst cancer, in local or distant lymph vention strategies. Dress the burn with petroleum gauze and dry gauze thick enough to prevent seepage to the outer layers. Srubbing, surgical hand disinfection Surgical hand scrub should be done before any operation and sterile intervention. Lactic Acid: evaluation of all severely injured, polytrauma patients to minimize missing occult inju ries. These typically occur with aging and require no treatment, unless trapping of food and bacteria leads to inflammation of the fissures. Insert retention sutures through the entire thickness of the abdominal wall before closing the peritoneum, leaving them untied at first (Figure 6.

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Type 1, which accounts for the majority of cases, is estrogen related and occurs in younger, obese, and perimenopausal women. For example, diabetic neuropathy can cause nerve • Unilateral or bilateral sciatica root irritation. On the other hand, cer significant drop in the mean score for the mold-exposed patient; tain cell types and mitogen responses were decreased. Slow infusion of 4–5 hours or longer reduces the incidence of infusion related side-effects. Multiple com pression fractures of the vertebrae result in skeletal deformity (kyphosis). Many of these syn mal weight loss, hematuria, hemoptysis, melena, and/or con dromes involve ectopic hormone production by tumor cells. The tendon refexes are decreased or lost early in • Speech impairment (slow, slurred speech) the course of the illness. The Task Force examined the alternative approach, which requires assessing all intubated patients, whether in acute or chronic care facilities, by the same set of criteria. Hyperthyroidism (Graves’ Disease) 385 Nursing Interventions Improving Nutritional Status • Provide several small, well-balanced meals (up to six meals a day) to satisfy patient’s increased appetite. Aortic Insuf ciency (Regurgitation) Aortic regurgitation is the ow of blood back into the left ven tricle from the aorta during diastole. This condition can occur at any age but is usually seen in adults under 40, and is more common in women. However, as observed in many neurodegenerative disorders, tau proteins or tau gene is likely a significant causal factor. Contact allergy caused by isothiazolinone derivatives: an overview of non-cosmetic and unusual cosmetic sources. Among patients with cosmetic allergies, fra speci c to the patient’s exposure history. Prepare patient for dialysis as indicated to correct uid and electrolyte imbalances. Caso de no existir dicha representacion, la empresa debera colocar una copia del calendario en lugar visible y accesible para que pueda ser consultado por los trabajadores/as. When rifampicin is given concomitantly with the combination saquinavir/ritonavir, the potential for hepatotoxicity is increased. A characteristic feature in all asthma disease is the hyperesponsiveness of the inflamed airway to non-allergic stimuli including viral infection, cold air, dusty and polluted environments. Allergic contact dermatitis caused by water-based paints often has a chronic character and may display atypical clinical features. At the next congress, in Paris in 1855, Farr and d’Espine submitted two separate lists, which were based on very different principles. Patients with these symptoms should be examined for papilloedema and if present they should discontinue the drug immediately and be referred for urgent neurological advice. One of the best responses to the drug was observed in patients with arthritis (81. Some hormones are enzymatically inactivated at receptor sites where they exert their action. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in mul recommending therapeutic plasma exchange for patients with tiple sclerosis. The relatively high incidence of anatomic skip metastasis 60 Benign Mechanical Transport can be attributed to aberrant distribution of lymph nodes. J Am Soc exchange therapy in acute renal failure due to light chain Nephrol 2011;22:1129–1136. Knowledge fuency is fundamental to a generalist osteopathic physician’s competency to practice osteopathic medicine. On the volar forearm of healthy sponse involve immunological effects and enhanced white subjects, discomfort is experienced after an av penetration. Moreover, this form includes clinical presentations that are rare in children (eg, nummular eczema, prurigo, and head-and-neck dermatitis), probably owing to the difering 4. The goal is to pro chemical stimulus into electrical energy vide practical information that will facilitate (nerve impulses) by sensory receptors called pain assessment and management. Epigastric fullness, nausea, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, and mild gastric discomfort may also occur. Age and past medical history are important when heart disease, and use of multiple medications. Sick sinus syndrome Asymptomatic, intervention Non-urgent intervention Severe, medically significant; Life-threatening Death not indicated indicated medical intervention indicated consequences; urgent intervention indicated Definition: A disorder characterized by a dysrhythmia with alternating periods of bradycardia and atrial tachycardia accompanied by syncope, fatigue and dizziness. Clearly, many of the clients and patients in our clinics have • How do you want to handle this Combined with the deleterious alterations in metabolic profle (see above) this may increase cardiovascular risk. The symptoms and signs may spread proximally or, rarely, spread to involve other extremities. Placebo: Substance or intervention administered to a patient which, lacking any therapeutic action per se, produces a curative effect on the patient if he/she receives it, convinced that that substance or intervention really possesses that action.

Reduction of gut colonization increases susceptibility to generic 10mg lotrisone with amex quercetin antifungal activity infection by morbidity cheap 10mg lotrisone fast delivery antifungal qt prolongation, such as physical and mental developmental delay leading to buy cheap lotrisone 10mg on-line antifungal medication for thrush poor pathogens such as Salmonella enteritidis serovar typhimurium discount lotrisone uk fungus dictionary definition. Smokers also showed reduced severity of ulcerative colitis purchase lotrisone 10mg visa fungus gnats flowering, as assessed by self-reported symptoms, hospitalizations, or medication use (Loftus, 2004). In the case of a client with hemarthrosis associated with can result in which of the following problems This term gives a better idea of the breadth of the with a mental disorder at any point in time, and these disorder, encompassing several conditions, including depres numbers are on the increase. Furthermore, the part of the table shown above illustrates a strong, positive age gradient, i. T, dicha indemnizacion solo se abonara una vez transcurridas dichas circunstancias. Simple interrupted suture We create a 5-6 cm long incision on the liver skin-specimen. Note: Dose of each medication can be increased every 1 2 weeks to the maximum doses indicated. The Primary Trauma Care Manual provides a foundation on which doctors and nurses can build the necessary knowledge and skills for trauma management with minimal equipment and without sophisticated technological requirements. Sensitizers in hair care products affect 30% of females eruptions in the axillae, feet, and groin. Regular checks, for example yearly, are recommended, with the aim to follow up on compliance, satisfaction, side effects, and possible need for change of regime or administration form. Although the lesion is considered “benign,” the presence of these skin lesions in anyone with diabetes signals the need for immediate medical atten Fig. My pursuit to blend the roles of science and religion formulate my firm belief that health care providers are caretakers of God’s children and have a responsibility to all of humanity. No matter the subtype, atopy Skin disorders comprise more than 35% of all occupationally remains the absolute most vital component in assessment of work acquired disorders [1,2]. The manner of holding the scalpel varies according to the use: for a long, straight incision or when there is a need to apply a bigger force, the scalpel is held like a fiddle bow. Less dramatically, bronchial activity during exercise it may prevent delays in choosing the most appropriate • Weak and rapid pulse accompanied by fall in blood pres intervention. Another major problem in data interpretation is the uncertainty in the extrapolation of animal find ings to humans. Contact Dermatitis 1:177–181 R,Wollina U,Gebhardt M (1998) Development of occupa 41. Combined effects in toxicology-a rapid systematic • Cirrhosis of the liver testing procedure: cadmium, mercury, and lead. Proposed mechanisms include increased motor reactivity to various stimuli, in cluding stress, food, cholecystokinin, impaired transit of bowel gas [56,57], visceral hypersensitivity, impaired reflex control that delays gas transit [58], autonomic dysfunction, and altered immune activation [59]. No adverse effect were reported with sulphonamide non-antibiotic use among patients with histo ries of life-threatening reactions to sulfonamides. La persona victima de violencia de genero tendra derecho a la reduccion o a la reordenacion de su tiempo de trabajo, a la movilidad geografica, al cambio del centro de trabajo a la suspension de la relacion laboral con reserva de puesto de trabajo y a la extincion del contrato de trabajo. The following conditions usually are associated with tooth eruption and should be referred to dental personnel: eruption cysts, gingival cysts of the newborn and pre/natal teeth. Risk factors, clinical Hip pain associated with such an abscess may involve the presentation, and associated signs and symptoms for these medial aspect of the thigh and femoral triangle areas (Fig. Plasmapheresis and paraproteinemia: cryoprotein Suzuki M, Takahashi S, Taguma Y, Takemoto Y, Nakazawa R, induced diseases, monoclonal gammopathy, Waldenstrom’s macro Nakanishi T, Nakamura H, Hara S, Hiramatsu M, Furuya R, globulinemia, hyperviscosity syndrome, multiple myeloma, light Masakane I, Tsuchida K, Motomiya Y, Morita H, Yamagata K, chain disease, and amyloidosis. Differences in the mean total serum 20 3 immunoglobulin were significant at exposures above 0. This could cause severe take a hot shower and run water on your back to dehydration. There contact dermatitis or inadequate control and refer the patient to a is also a signi cant false-negative rate dermatologist for microscopy and culture. Traumatic and degenerative conditions of the cervical Torticollis of the sternocleidomastoid muscle may be a spine, such as whiplash syndrome and arthritis, are the major sign of underlying thyroid involvement. There is also some evidence of associations with pack years or smoking duration, but more variable effects have been seen with the amount smoked per day (Albano et al. Technical notes the replacement fluid chosen should be one that contains enough protein to draw toxin into the blood compartment for elimination; albumin is such an agent and generally acts as an effective replacement fluid. Weakness fatigue and/or weakness may be their Talk to the person about being safe from greatest source of discomfort. Recommendations for the management of patients with Turner syndrome before and during pregnancy. Pathologic fracture On the bottom, you will see blastic bone lesions from osteosarcoma. Pathogenesis is multifactorial including autoimmunity, drug-dependent antibodies and endothelial toxicity. Main Features Deep aching pain involving the low back region, buttocks, thighs, and calves is common (> 50%) in the first week or two of the illness. Following European leg islation, which limited its use concentration in cosmetic products to a maximum of 15 ppm (0. Allergic contact dermatitis caused by the preservative 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one in black trousers. The condition is benign and localized, generally requiring no treatment except reassurance. In both groups, prednisone was reduced gradually, until a maintenance dose of 5 and 10 mg/day, and 5 and 2. At high pH, binding of thiopental to the immunoabsorbent material can generate substituted ammonium ions that are normally internalized within the thiopentone molecule. Corticosteroid therapy (prednisone) may be initiated to reduce in ammation and edema, which reduces vascular compression and permits restoration of blood circulation to the nerve.

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